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IfPiton touch up paint

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:14 pm
by chris.smith
If you scratch your new black pitons on a winter route dont despair. There is a cheap solution, instead of going out and buying expensive piton touch up paint simply use airfix onyx black number 87 it does exactly the same job at a fraction of the price

Re: IfPiton touch up paint

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:48 pm
by carl-b
Hey Chris good tip.

I recognise your problem. I too suffered the pain of watching my peg wither away into rusty dust following extensive winter use. Tried Hammerite and linseed oil, still the peg degraded. A couple of decades ago I decided to dump iron and go completly non-ferrous. What a difference! No more winter iron problems. Now I use only titanium (and some stainless steel), which easily withstands regular abuse and remains shiny.

Non-ferrous can be very costly, but it is commonly used in high-tech cars like Audi S-series and BMW M-series. I often bought scrap suspension parts and engineered my own kit. Lucky to have suitable tools. Stainless steel is commonly used in heavy duty swinging components like hinges and door closers. Once attained it was again engineeered to satisfaction.

Beware there is a great deal of dodgy eastern european equipment on offer out there, some good some bad. When and how you test it is up to you.


Re: IfPiton touch up paint

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:09 pm
by steve
Good tips guys.

I find that any easy way to save on climbing gear is to give lifts to random strangers, mainly from Russia. In turn it is traditional for Russians to bestow up you home made titanium components as a way of thanks.
After racking these freebies on my harness I noticed that my testicles started to throb and after several weeks the doctor said that I had become impotent due to radiation exposure.
However I saved at least £45 so it's not all bad news.

Re: IfPiton touch up paint

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:05 pm
by davidc

Is it possible for me to use this touch up paint on my ice axes and crampons. I'am a little worried that when I'am front pointing up my usual grade VII's the scratches and scuff marks on my gear will look shabby and show up on photos. This will massively affect my ego. Especially when posting them on UKC forum showing off to people who dont know me

Any advice on keeping my gear in pristine condition please post feedback


Re: IfPiton touch up paint

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 7:23 pm
by chris.smith
Hi dave
ThatsAn excellent question, and I tell you if I had a pound for every time I have heard that, I would literally have some by now. The quick answer is no, the only solution to your problem is to remove all the paint so they are a matt silver, this ensures that no matter how much you use them they will always be the same colour, since doing the same to mine I have found that people actually stop me in the street and ask me how im such a good confident and extremely good looking climber, however dave I fear that solid gold ones could not achieve this for you, some people are born ugly. Hope this helps

Re: IfPiton touch up paint

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:37 am
by davidc
Thanks Chris

I'm currently painting paint stripper on my crampons in order to get them silver. Doing the same with my axes. This is great advice but my only worry would be the glare caused off the flash reflecting on the silver in the photos. This could ruin my shots. But as you say a matt silver might not reflect the flash so much. So what colour should i paint them? This is a dilemma I hope none of encounter.

Re: IfPiton touch up paint

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:36 pm
by steve
Good to see that we're having some really useful & helpful tips on the forum now.
However, I must be doing something terribly wrong.
I'm embarressed to admit that I have never had anyone stop me in the street and tell me:
(regarding crampon paint stripping) "since doing the same to mine I have found that people actually stop me in the street and ask me how im such a good confident and extremely good looking climber".
I always found walking down the steet in crampons had the opposite effect.
Chris, where am I going wrong?
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm desperate to look cooler.

Re: IfPiton touch up paint

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:32 pm
by davidc

After wearing my new paint stripped crampons on a recent climbing trip (in which by the way I completed The hurting XI in coire an t-sneachda, The Secret X on Ben Nevis and a solo of cornucopia XIII on the Ben) I still couldn't look cool. But then after the application of pink lip balm, sunglasses and go fast stripes on my helmet, it seemed to work a treat. Peope just couldn't stop pointing and taking photos. You could maybe try this. Failing this then I read that 80's style Lycra can also attract a crowd

Hope this helps


Re: IfPiton touch up paint

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:59 am
by Liam
As im too weak to be climbing all these grade X climbs with the gods, I was wondering if there was a high friction touch up paint that may help my pitons stick into snow on my EPIC grade I gullys. I am finding the constant lack of protection terrifying!!

As for looking cool, All I can suggest is plastering your helmet in stickers so you look like your being sponsored to climb that "my first winter climb grade I" it kind of works for me. And people always stare at me but thats probably because of the limp, druel and genral shrek like characteristics that i luckily posess!!

Re: IfPiton touch up paint

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:27 pm
by chris.smith
Hi Liam, David and Steve
Believe me you are not alone in your problems. I would be lying if it was the first time I said I have heard them. Stickers on the helmet are a great way to improve your climbing however only if used correctly! Follow these simple steps.
1. Apply as many stickers as possible to every possible space.
2. Apply a coating of varnish (this will totally destroy the protective finish on the helmet and render it useless but looks awesome!)
3. Allow the varnish to dry.
4. Once dry leave the helmet anywhere that will attract attention and stand near it, or simply put one foot on it and your hands on your hip and keep your chin raised high (a pipe is the ultimate in climbing attire).
5. Suggested sites to leave your helmet.
- Parcel shelf of your car
- attached to your rucksack, regradless of what you are doing.
- Shepards Crag cafe on someone elses table.

Hope this helps